Annuals offer the gardener a chance to experiment with color, height, texture, and form. If a mistake is made, it’s only for one growing season. Annuals are useful for filling in spaces until permanent plants are installed, to extend perennial beds and fill in holes where an earlier perennial is gone or the next one has yet to bloom; to cover areas where spring bulbs have bloomed and died back; and to fill planters, window boxes, and hanging baskets.
Annuals provide instant gratification in the garden. Beginning gardeners, and especially children, find the quick response and easy success of annuls a springboard to working with a wider range of plants. Children love to pick flowers and annuals love to be picked. When a spot in the garden cries out for color, you can reach for instant gratification by tucking in 6” or larger pots of annuals already in full bloom.
Hanging baskets can really punch up a porch or patio, and for folks with little or no space for down-in-the-dirt gardening, they’re perfect. We carry a large assortment of ready-to-hang baskets, or we can fill a basket or planter with your selections from our stock of annual plants.
Of course, our annuals are custom grown by local, family-owned growers.
Blooming geraniums at A Growing Concern Garden Center and Landscaping Company in Hendersonville, NC
Blooming Daffodils
Blooming Pansies
Blooming Tulips